

Acidosis is one of the common metabolic diseases in the cattle industry. Especially in our country, due to the excessive use of concentrate, this problem causes a decrease in pH or an increase in the acidity of the animal's stomach. The high acidity of the rumen leads to the destruction of the villi of the rumen and the reduction of the absorption of nutrients, as well as the increase in the speed of food passing through it. Acidosis ultimately causes a decrease in production and especially milk fat. Another symptom of acidosis that can be observed in the long term is lameness, which leads to a decrease in food consumption and milk production, as well as a decrease in the life span of the cow and an overall increase in veterinary costs. One of the ways to deal with the reduction of rumen pH is to increase fodder and reduce concentrate. But due to the low quality of fodder in our country, this method is less possible in practice. Therefore, another common way is to add buffer materials, such as sodium bicarbonate, magnesium oxide, or a combination of the above materials. Currently, in our country, for some reason, baking soda is rare or at a very high price, so its use is not very economical, but hydrogel, which is a combination of mineral materials, has a much lower price than baking soda. It can act like a sweet potato and compete with it. With the help of hydrogel, we were able to show the power of stabilizing acidity by laboratory methods. The use of this substance in animal husbandry has shown that hydrogel can be effective against acids as well as sweet boils and maintain or even slightly increase milk production, food consumption, and milk fat. After several days of observations, the amount of milk production in the control group (use of baking soda) and the group fed with hydrogel, both averaged 37.8 kilograms per day and no significant difference was observed. It is interesting to note that milk fat in cows that received hydrogel was 0.5% higher (3.6 vs. 3.11). This shows that hydrogel, in addition to having a lower price, by maintaining the amount of lactation, also leads to a desirable increase in milk fat by 0.5%. It has also been shown in global studies that hydrogel has the characteristic of aflatoxin removal and can compete well with the usual commercial anti-aflatoxin products and even perform better than them. In other words, the hydrogel has two benefits: it controls the acidity of the rumen, and in case the animal feed is contaminated with aflatoxin-producing fungi, it also provides the possibility of removing the deadly poison of aflatoxin. In 2007, this company signed a contract to conduct a research project regarding the production of this substance in a laboratory, which is a suitable substitute for baking soda, two prominent faculty members of Isfahan University of Technology, and after registering its patent under No. 58287 in the Department of the registration of companies and industrial property of Iran (as a drug to control acidity and acidosis disease of ruminant animals and repel aflatoxin in ruminant food), succeeded in the industrial production of this substance.